- Sleeping until 11:37am. To be fair, I also was up until nearly 4 because I was not only on west coast time, but also slept about four hours on the plane, and I only had about three hours of sleep the night before, what with all the packing.
- "First day" of work. Considering I arrived at the office at 1:30, and didn't do a whole lot but fill out my W-4 and label a few folders before leaving for a bank deposit run at 4, I don't really think it counts.
- Grocery shopping. Time: 1.15 hours. Stores visited: 2. Money spent: $140. Number of boxes of artichoke and mozzarella ravioli purchased: 0. PUBLIX FAIL. Now I have to learn how to make it myself. Ohhhhhhhhh well.
- Unpacking. This is an extraordinarily daunting task, mostly because in the last four years, I have accumulated a LOT of stuff. Boxed up, it is more than can reasonably fit in my room, so I have absolutely no idea how I'll fit it all in here out of the boxes. I probably won't even try to.
- Shuttle launch. At 11:59pm, the shuttle Discovery lifted off to deliver supplies, a new scientist, and the Colbert exercise(?) module to the space station. I was at the beach (along with a hundred other people and my family) watching. It was a very fitting way to, erm, celebrate being back in Florida.
So... those aren't at all things that count as progress towards my goals. Oh well. Here's what I do have:
- The list of Top 50 Greatest Movies of All Time Ever. It will be in its own post, momentarily. Apocalypse Now is on TMC on demand right now, though, so I'll probably be watching it in the next week. Progress yay!
- The novel that I'm going to adapt into my screenplay. I will begin reading it with a hefty stack of post-its in hand tomorrow or Sunday, depending on scheduling.
- Ten dollars worth of stock. It turns out that buying stock is more complicated than I thought, and that broker's commission is generally ten dollars, so I'm sort of informally purchasing 8.5 shares of stock in my uncle's new company, Hyperdynamics Corporation, from my dad. It will be slightly more difficult to uphold the "not looking at it" portion of this goal for the duration of my employment in Florida, but that's (hopefully) only going to last six months, tops. This goal is now currently "In Progress!"
- Books. Books books books books books. I have a lot of them. I have to sort them, and I have to make lists of them, but I hope to read Streetcar and East, West to begin my Tennessee Williams and Salman Rushdie oeuvre goals in the next two weeks as well as getting started on the screenplay novel.
So that's where I am right now. Like I said, I'll post the list of movies to watch in its own post in a second. You may have also noticed that the detail posts for my Reading Goals and Sundry Goals have not yet been posted; I will have those done by Sunday night.
I'm just beginning to get a feel for the magnitude of this project. It's alternately very scary, very exciting, and very ridiculous. I'll say more on this in my next weekly update, after I've been at it a little longer.
One final note - a few people have mentioned that they weren't sure if they could comment without a blogger/google account, or that they tried to but the site ate their comment without posting it. To the first group, yes, I have enabled anonymous posting, though it would be nice if you wanted to sign your name and let me know who you are, if I know you. To the second group, I was unable to reproduce this error in three independent tests, so I can't test for myself if the solution I am trying has worked. I did change the comments to being on a completely separate page from the post instead of being embedded in it, so hopefully that will help. Thanks for reading, regardless!
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