Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I realized this weekend that I have a lot of goals that have cumulative totals - donate this much money, swing on this many swingsets, you know - and that, rather than cluttering up the Master List with all of their progress tallies, I should create a separate post where they can all aspire to be completed together, as one big happy family. I have been updating the "Charity" post every night this week after I finish with my Free Rice learnin', and I will continue to do that in addition to this new post. This post, however, has the advantage of being privileged enough to get a coveted spot in the prestigious and exclusive Quick Links sidebar.

And remember! This is not a complete list of goals in progress, just those that have specific tallies associated with them. You can always see all of the officially In Progress goals by viewing the master list and seeking out the terra cotta colored goals, or get more detailed progress reports by clicking the "In Progress" tag on the sidebar.

4. Discover AND LIKE 101 new bands or solo artists.

New artists approved of: 7

12. Rosetta Stone: Spanish

Lessons completed through: Level 2, Unit 1, Lesson 3

16. Donate at least $500.50 on Donors Choose.

Amount donated: $100.00

23. Visit at least 25 cathedrals.

Cathedrals admired: 1

24. Swing on 101 unique swingsets.

Swingsets swung: 8

38. Volunteer at least 101 hours with Habitat for Humanity.

Hours completed: 4

44. Raise $500.50 by doing Walks for the Cure.

Amount donated: $23.00

54. Finish the Discworld series.

Books read: 5

55. (re)Read the complete works of Tennessee Williams.

Plays read: 0.66

58. Read the complete works of Salman Rushdie.

Rushdies read: 1

59. Read every book on the shelf that has not yet been so.

Backlog finished: 3

68. Loan $101 on Kiva; recycle all repayments.

Loaned out: $25 Recycled: $0

70. Achieve 500,000 grains of rice on Free Rice for Spanish vocabulary.

Grains donated: 2500

71. Achieve 500,000 grains of rice in all other subjects.

Grains donated: 14790

73. Write 101 letters to Washington.

Complaints lodged: 4

78. Accumulate 101 postcards.

Postcards owned: 25

84. Go to ten special exhibitions at museums.

Exhibitions visited: 1

85. Read ten books that are recommended to me.

Recommended reading completed: 2

86. Watch 25 of the Greatest Movies of All Time Ever that I've never before seen.

Movies Consumed: 2

93. Learn to identify at least ten things under the hood of a car and how you can tell when they break.

Car Parts Understood: 0.2 (Yeah zero point two, I know an engine when I see it.)