Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dang, I totally should've added Yakutsk, too...

Last week, before the FSOT, I printed out a blank world map and colored it in with highlighters and set to work labeling all the countries on it from memory. In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you that Oman and Yemen are reversed, as are Cambodia and Laos; I completely blanked on Burkina Faso and Senegal; I had to look at a map to see what the islands between Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji were (more French crap); I neglected to label Moldova, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana because of space issues, and most of the Caribbean islands because I just hate them. The Bahamas were left off entirely by accident, although I remembered to color them. They're off my coast and I've been there at least twice; it's not like I didn't know what they were. Final note: former Yugoslav nations are in the middle of the Atlantic because it was easier for me to write them in an order I would remember that way. So, there.

Check check it. Clicking will take you to a zoomed-in version.

big map