Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oddly refreshing...

Today I woke up at 7:30 and left for work a little after 8. I spent the next four hours as tense as a pregnant cheerleader's boyfriend at the father/daughter purity ball, trying to review everything I'd ever learned about international politics in my head while making copies of rich people's tax forms. The only thing that got me through it - and only just, at that - was cranking up Ben Folds' Rockin' the Suburbs and dancing the Charleston to "The Secret Life of Morgan Baker." Seriously, ask my dad. It was one of the more raucous one-girl dance parties an Ormond office building has ever seen. So I left just before noon, stopping only to get gas (um, also discovering that my gas cap is missing? I feel like that's something I would have noticed last month when I bought gas. (Oh yeah, that's right, I bought one tank of gas in September. 320 miles was all I drove, bitches.)), and pushing Bea for the first time above 70mph to get to the Foreign Service test in Orlando.

She handled it well enough, though I guess four years of not driving very often made me forget that just under 4000rpm at 80mph is normal for a stick - that worried me for a while. The test itself was alright, and by law I'm not allowed to tell you ANYTHING that was on it, but I think I'm allowed to say that I was not asked to write either an awesome essay nor an articulate tirade about corporate greed responsibility (winkwinknudgenudge). I'm slightly less confident about the biographical section, insofar as it really comes down to whether they're looking for entry-level people or those with more practical experience for higher-level positions. I'm betting the recession made them slow down on their new hires, so in the next year, when I'm hoping to be placed, all the old entry-level kids will be promoted, leaving lots of openings for me!

Anyway so that was my FSOT adventure in a smallish nutshell. Now that it's over, I need to make a new deadline for a big project to keep my motivation up. I work so much more efficiently under pressure than without. Stupid college.