Saturday, September 26, 2009

No, it's totally safe.

The reason this week's SPT is being posted on Saturday is that the last three nights, I have been completely exhausted from work and after-work activities; by the time I get settled in at night, I practically fall right asleep. And I don't really feel the need to apologize to the internet for being out in the world. So my SPT this week comes from one such adventure that occurred on Thursday night with my oldest, dearest friend, Michelle, during which I discovered a few interesting new things about riverfront Daytona, discovered I am good at darts (before I start in on my second double), and began goal 24, Swing on 101 unique swingsets, at my favorite childhood park, the Magic Forest. No pictures yet, even though I obviously had my camera with me that night, but I'll get one soon. This playground is the bomb-diggity, yo.

spt 1-25