Thursday, September 3, 2009

Self-portrait Thursday: 1

Nearly forgot I was supposed to be doing this today! I just set up a google reminder to repeat every Thursday morning to avoid that problem in the future. Also - quick note that Weekly Updates are moving to their regularly scheduled time on Saturday; the first one was on a Friday because it was the first day and I wanted to mark that in some way blah blah blah. Obviously Saturday is the superior choice.

Now, to the first picture!

spt 1-25

It's a bit grainy, because I didn't really feel like messing with the settings to get it right without the flash, but I like it anyway. I have a lot of pictures of me in my room from years past, and I think it's only fitting that I capture part of the moving-back-in on (digital) film. What you can't see in this picture is my dresser (conveniently hidden by my head), nor my desk (conveniently off-camera to my left).

Other notes: the stick puppet in the bottom left wearing the green feather mask is Anastasia Romanov. You had to be there.
My bookshelf normally looks like I just won an epic game of Tetris. There are giant gaps right now because I took a lot of things out for the last schoolyear and I don't know which are going back up. Not even sure yet which things there will be staying.
My closet normally looks that messy. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Anastasia!!! I still have my puppets too...I can't bring myself to toss them, one just has too much chest hair and the other boobs that are too big. Those things should not be tossed...

-Michelle =)

Cari said...

Haha I totally remember those! Puppetry was probably the best unit we ever did in that class.